View Full Version : Setting Hotkey Shortcuts

3rd April 2007, 20:28
I have a textedit named txtedit... and I have a sendbutton. But I have 3 of each in separate tabs.

I usually do:

What I really want to do is, make all the txtedit's shortcut as the button.
In other words, when a guy clicks on a txtedit types a message and then presses enter, it sends the message.
So far, it's failing. Any other method? Perhaps I need to use connect()?

Thanks for help.

3rd April 2007, 20:39
One way could be more or less like this:

QShortcut* shorcut = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_Enter, textEdit);
connect(shortcut, SIGNAL(triggered()), button, SLOT(click()));

Another option could be to use a QShortcut with Qt::WindowShortcut context.

3rd April 2007, 20:46
Thanks again jpn.

3rd April 2007, 20:56
Wait a second this didn't work.

QShortcut* shortcut0 = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_Enter, ChatSend_0);
QShortcut* shortcut1 = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_Enter, ChatSend_1);
QShortcut* shortcut2 = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_Enter, ChatSend_2);

connect(shortcut0, SIGNAL(triggered()), Send_0, SLOT(click()));
connect(shortcut1, SIGNAL(triggered()), Send_1, SLOT(click()));
connect(shortcut2, SIGNAL(triggered()), Send_2, SLOT(click()));

None of the shortcuts work, very odd.

3rd April 2007, 21:05
It could be an ambiguous shortcut. A QShortcut seems the have the "window" context by default. Also, the correct signal seems to be activated, not triggered.. sorry.

QShortcut* shorcut = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_Enter, textEdit);
connect(shortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), button, SLOT(click()));
connect(shortcut, SIGNAL(activatedAmbiguously()), button, SLOT(click()));

3rd April 2007, 22:46
It's still not working. Pressing Enter Key does not do anything.

activated and activatedAmbiguously are definitely not being signalled.

3rd April 2007, 23:30
Are you sure you are pressing the Enter key? Usually it's in the lower-right corner of the numeric keypad.

Try creating shorcut for Qt::Key_Return.

4th April 2007, 01:36
Oh, I have a laptop. I thought Enter key and Return key were synonymous.

4th April 2007, 22:22
I thought Enter key and Return key were synonymous.
Once I thought the same. IMO, the safest solution is to create two shorcuts --- one for each of those keys.