View Full Version : UTF-7 encoding support

21st October 2015, 16:41
Hi, why UTF-7 encoding is not supported in Qt ? Is any simple way to encode string in UTF-7 ?


22nd October 2015, 18:11
I'm sorry, I should leave for more informations. I want to convert QString from ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) to UTF-7

I tried to use 'replace' but it was really stupid...

text.replace("+ACM-", "#");
text.replace("+ACQ-", "$");
text.replace("+ACU-", "%");
text.replace("+ACY-", "&");

Do somebody know how can we do it in less wild way ?

Thank You

24th October 2015, 16:40
Hi, why UTF-7 encoding is not supported in Qt ? Is any simple way to encode string in UTF-7 ?

When I run this simple test program

#include <QtCore>

int main()
qDebug() << "Supported QTextCodecs:" << QTextCodec::availableCodecs();

it prints "UTF-7" as one of the supported codecs.


27th October 2015, 16:26
Supported QTextCodecs: ("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", "latin1", "CP819", "IBM819", "iso-ir-100", "csISOLatin1", "ISO-8859-15", "latin9", "UTF-32LE", "UTF-32BE", "UTF-32", "UTF-16LE", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16", "System", "Big5-HKSCS", "Big5", "Big5-ETen", "CP950", "windows-949", "CP949", "EUC-KR", "Shift_JIS", "SJIS", "MS_Kanji", "ISO-2022-JP", "JIS7", "EUC-JP", "GB2312", "GBK", "CP936", "MS936", "windows-936", "GB18030", "hp-roman8", "roman8", "csHPRoman8", "TIS-620", "ISO 8859-11", "WINSAMI2", "WS2", "macintosh", "Apple Roman", "MacRoman", "windows-1258", "CP1258", "windows-1257", "CP1257", "windows-1256", "CP1256", "windows-1255", "CP1255", "windows-1254", "CP1254", "windows-1253", "CP1253", "windows-1252", "CP1252", "windows-1251", "CP1251", "windows-1250", "CP1250", "IBM866", "CP866", "csIBM866", "IBM874", "CP874", "IBM850", "CP850", "csPC850Multilingual", "ISO-8859-16", "iso-ir-226", "latin10", "ISO-8859-14", "iso-ir-199", "latin8", "iso-celtic", "ISO-8859-13", "ISO-8859-10", "iso-ir-157", "latin6", "ISO-8859-10)

What Qt are you using ?

27th October 2015, 16:44
Qt 5.4.1 on Linux (Debian/Unstable)


27th October 2015, 17:11
Ok, thank you, I will check on Linux, maybe it is not supported on Windows but I think that should be the same.


27th October 2015, 18:22
On Windows check that you have built with ICU support.
Qt on Linux is always built with ICU support.
