View Full Version : Seeking advise on the QtScript replacement

4th November 2015, 23:15
AFAIK qtScript will be deprecated starting with 5.6. I am about to start large scripting part of the project I am working on. I'll appreciate an opinion on what should I use as replacement for QtScript. Lua? QtQuick? Py?


5th November 2015, 08:44
QtQuick is a UI module, you probably meant QML.

QQmlEngine is a good candidate when you need the script to interact with the Qt applications, see
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LsKoVrb8C8 for example.


5th November 2015, 14:05
Thank you for the reply. I would like to know what are the benefits and issues with the solutions that are available - QmlEngine, PyQt, Lua, perhaps others? May be someone already did such an analysis?


5th November 2015, 16:18
QQmlEngine obviously has the advantage of being part of Qt andbeing primarily developed for use with Qt's object system.
So it understands Qt types, signals/slots, etc.

Python's advantage is that it has its own class library and tons of bindings to other libraries.
Obviously that could be a disadvantage if the scripts should not have access to all of that.

Lua is a very common scripting solution so there should be lots of examples on the Internet.
Just never heard of a special adapter for Qt, so maybe there is none yet, or they are just not well know.
