View Full Version : QMAKESPEC has not been set, so configuration cannot be deduced

5th April 2007, 04:01
Hi all,

I am new to QT and would request some help.

I had installed QDevelop and Qt4.2.2 with MinGW.

I had tried compile a simple cpp file in QDevelop but it show me the abovementioned error.

C:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe: No target specified and no make files found.

Can somebody please help?


5th April 2007, 10:02

It seems you don't have created a project associated to your C++ file.
QMake requires a particular file your_project.pro, to be able to generate the Makefile.
Did you create a new project in QDevelop, containing your sources ?

You can generate automatically this project file with Qmake, in your project directory, or create a new project with QDevelop.

Command line : qmake -project your_directory

Hope this helps, and that I am clear too :)
