View Full Version : How to Output Strings in MainWindow which are generated in external .cpp file

12th November 2015, 18:20
Hi Friends,

I have a function that does some calculations(find_other_comets.cpp) and want to update a QTextBrowser widget (in mainwindow.cpp) with text generated in that function. I press a button and my calculation is called, at some times i want to output the progress/data to the Textbrowser. If i understand right i cannot acces the main window from the outside ( find_other_comets.cpp)?! I tried using this in the external cpp:


My question is what is the right approch to pass Strings to the TextBrowser in mainwindow? if additional code or information is needed im happy to supply it!

12th November 2015, 19:18
There are a couple of options, like having access to the textBrowser for the code in that other file.

But probably the easiest way is to make the other code emit a signal with the text and the connect that signal to the setText() slot.


12th November 2015, 19:53
thx for taking your time!

I have tried using signals and slots but got confused while trying. How exactly does one emit a signal when i haven't created an object in the external cpp file? I understand that i have to create a slot in mainwindow and a function that will be run when the slot catches a signal.

header mainwindow.h

namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;

class MainWindow : public QMainWindow

explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);

private slots:
void on_pushButton_clicked();

void on_lineEdit_metakernel_editingFinished();

void on_pushButton_4_clicked();

void on_lineEdit_editingFinished();

void print_to_browser(QString str);

Ui::MainWindow *ui;

Function in mainwindow.ccp

void MainWindow::print_to_browser(QString str)

But i'm kinda lost on how to emit the signal or even define it if didnt creat an objectin in find_other_comets.ccp. And following that the connect statement is not clear also. Can any one give me a example?

13th November 2015, 08:50
Well, emitting a signal does indeed require an object.
Since you gave no indication what your find_other_comets.cpp looks like I assume that you had some object in there.

If it contains just a function, then pass the pointer of the text browser to the function and call it directly.


14th November 2015, 10:20
Thx, passing the QTextBrowser pointer to the function directly let me modify it in the function.