View Full Version : qmake and dumpcpp

13th November 2015, 19:53
I'm trying to use COM object in my application. According to help "dumpcpp can be integrated into the qmake build system".
So my code in .pro file for qmake is

TYPELIBS = $$system(dumpcpp "C:\Component.exe")
message("Component is not found!")
REQUIRES += Component

The result of the code is "Component is not found!"
If I run dumpcpp in power shell with comand

C:\Qt\5.5\mingw492_32\bin> ./dumpcpp.exe "C:\Component.exe"
I have component.cpp and component.h files.
(I tried to use different quotes, slash, of back slash).
Please help me.

13th November 2015, 20:07
In line 1 you almost certainly need double backslash to ensure that a backslash is ultimately passed to the cmd shell. You may also need to escape the quotes.

13th November 2015, 20:38
Thank you so much. It works.