View Full Version : QT Designer Plugin

16th November 2015, 14:28
I have a plugin that i build using VS 2013 and integrated into the Designer, and then was able to use within my application.

Recently, i built the 5.6 source in VS 2015, and got a plugin to build and display within the Designer. However, when i go to run the application within VS 2015, i am getting an unresolved external symbol. I have verified that the library created from the plugin is in my libraries folder, however, i am still getting this error.

I am not sure if this is because i compiled for VS 2015, and something is missing, or what.

Any advice ?

Thanks much

16th November 2015, 16:48
You still need to link your executable with some .lib that defines your new object and its interfaces. Simply having the DLL in the right place isn't enough.

16th November 2015, 18:07
I am linking against it.

I have the same project that worked in vs 2013, now doesn't work in 2015 though.

Added after 1 16 minutes:

Figured out the issue, i was missing the declaration "QDESIGNER_WIDGET_EXPORT" on my exported class. The visual studio add-in does not append it to the class that is created.

16th November 2015, 18:24
Nice to know this in case I run into the same issue. How did you get the Add-in to work in VS 2015? I tried re-installing it last week, and it didn't give VS 2015 as one of the options.

16th November 2015, 19:09
Use nuget and search for qt and it pops up and installs

16th November 2015, 21:12
Doesn't show up in nuget on my machine. However, I did find Qt5Package (https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/c89ff880-8509-47a4-a262-e4fa07168408) on the MS VisualStudio web site. Possibly my install of nuget doesn't contain all of the package sources that yours does.