View Full Version : How to check if QLabel is empty??

3rd December 2015, 15:19

I have a gridlayout and in it are 9 QLabels where I emit QImages and display them.

I have to check if QLabel is free and them emit QImage so it is displayed.
How do I check if QLabel is already used by somebody so I can go to other QLabel.

this is very helpful in doing dynamic Layouts.


3rd December 2015, 16:04
QLabel:: pixmap() returns 0 if no pixmap is set on it.

4th December 2015, 05:39
Hi Vikram

Many signals are mapped to One slot . In slot function, I decide the empty label like this:

if(ui->label->pixmap == 0)
ui->label->setPixMap(......image 1..);
else if (if(ui->label_2->pixmap == 0)
ui->label_2->setPixMap(...... image 2..);

Both the images are displayed on first label only. ie ui->label.
I want the second image to be displayed on the ui->label_2.

I don't display the whole Image on label at once. I display them strip by strip ie blocks of 20*768 size strips.

Any idea?

Thanks for the reply.

4th December 2015, 10:41
It should be label->pixmap(). Without parenthesis you are checking the function pointer which isn't 0.

4th December 2015, 15:47
And you probably want to check isNull() on the returned pixmap.


9th December 2015, 04:47
It should be label->pixmap(). Without parenthesis you are checking the function pointer which isn't 0.

Thanks vikram....it worked.