View Full Version : How to check the checkbox based on users selection from a message window.

9th December 2015, 15:34
Hello All,

I'm trying to make the checkBox status back to checked again if users selection is "NO" on the pop up message window. I also want to flash messages when the selection is done. Please help. Thanks in advance.

void MainWindow::on_checkBox_clicked()


} if(!ui->checkBox->isChecked()){
QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
reply = QMessageBox::question(this,"Test", "Do you want to stop logging?", QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No);
// A message should flash saying "Logging is stopped"
qDebug()<< "Logging is stopped";

}else {
qDebug()<<"Logging will continue";
// A message should flash saying "Logging will continue" and Keep the checkBox status back to checked again.




Can someone help me understand what qDebug statements are used for. The following is what I read on the Qt website. I couldn't get it, if someone can explain it little more detailed I would really appreciate it. Can I use qDebug to flash the messages that I want to.

The QDebug class provides an output stream for debugging information.
QDebug is used whenever the developer needs to write out debugging or tracing information to a device, file, string or console.

9th December 2015, 16:07
QDebug is used to print debug messages. These messages are not meant for the user but only for the developer.

To flash a message on the screen you can use:


These options display a message and expect the user to click "OK".
If you want to "flash" the message and hide it automatically you can use a QTimer with the above options.

9th December 2015, 16:13
When I uncheck the checkbox I get the popup window but when I select "NO" on the popup window I want to set the checkBox status back to checked. How can I achieve that?

9th December 2015, 16:56
else {
qDebug()<<"Logging will continue";

9th December 2015, 17:24
Thanks a lot Vikram. It's working. :)