View Full Version : Ubuntu Launcher shows behind Full Screen Application

16th December 2015, 03:31

I have a Qt application that runs full screen on Ubuntu 14.04. At some point in the application a modal form is displayed. Whenever this happens the Ubuntu Unity Lancher bar and top menu bar appears over my full screen application. Clicking my mouse on my application causes the launcher and menu bar to disappear until another modal form is shown.

Some posts I have found online lead me to believe that this may be an Ubuntu bug. Unfortunately I cant find a solution to fix it.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction.

16th December 2015, 09:22
You could check if the window manager by Ubuntu allows you to configure your window to "stay on top".

Alternatively you could use the http://inqlude.org/libraries/kwindowsystem.html library to set that state programmatically.
