View Full Version : Dynamically resize item of QListWidget

3rd January 2016, 15:33
Here the actual code I use, using a fixed value of 128 for the max icon size :

class CDynamicIconListWidget : public QListWidget

CDynamicIconListWidget( QWidget* Parent = nullptr ) :
QListWidget( Parent )


virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e )
QListWidget::resizeEvent( e );
const int MaxItemSize = 128 + 16;
const int ItemRow = ( e->size().width() / MaxItemSize ) + 1;
if( ItemRow > count() )
setIconSize( QSize( 128, 128 ) );
if( ItemRow > 0 )
const int SizeOffset = ( MaxItemSize - ( e->size().width() % MaxItemSize ) ) / ItemRow;
const int IconSize = ( 128 - SizeOffset <= 0 ) ? 128 : 128 - SizeOffset;
setIconSize( QSize( IconSize, IconSize ) );
setIconSize( QSize( 32, 32 ) );

That works good but more the widget is big more the offset on the right is big.
It's surely because of the hardcoded value for item size :

const int MaxItemSize = 128 + 16;

There is a way to compute the item size for a known icon size to avoid this hardcoded value ?
There is a better way or something needed to change in the actual code to have better result ?
Thanks for the help

Doesn't works if I change 128 by 64 for example...

5th January 2016, 22:20
Maybe a better solution is to make a custom QItemDelegate to paint the item based on the grid size and change the grid size when the QListWidget resize.