View Full Version : Multithreading - basics, passing information to threads

18th January 2016, 14:38
Hey guys,

Im making a gui with workerthreads to do the work. My gui mainwindow generates the threads, assigns my worker object, connects the thread and the worker events. Doing this i want to pass a var that stands for the unique thread id to split up the work between threads.

void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
for (int id=1;id<=2;id++)

int *thread_id_on_heap_p =new int(id);

QThread *thread = new QThread;

Worker *worker = new Worker(thread_id_on_heap_p);


//connect events from worker<-> threads
connect(worker, SIGNAL(error(QString)), this, SLOT(errorString(QString)));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(testworker()));
connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit()));
connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));



this is the header for the worker object:

class Worker : public QObject {

Worker(int* core);

public slots:
void testworker();

void finished();
void error(QString err);
//method to send info from worker thread to textbrowser in gui
void update_textbrowser(QString info);

int thread_id;

this is the constructor of the worker object where i copy the id to the object :

Worker::Worker( int *core) {

this->thread_id = *core;

qDebug () << "constructor " + QString::number(this->thread_id);

after this i just use this->thread_id in my other worker functions, it seems to be working.

So my question is this a save way to pass the thread id? Will when on_PushBotton2_clicked() ends the variable will still be available since i passed the adress of the var? or is that adressspace free to be written on by other code? am i creating a memory leak here because i dont delete the data the pointer "thread_id_on_heap_p" points to? Are there better approaches for this problem?

be gentle guys :)

18th January 2016, 16:47
Why are you allocating the int on the heap?
So that you have to deal with memory handling because it is fun or to leak the memory?


18th January 2016, 17:01
Thx for your answer, i am very new to c++ and qt and i dont know better, for instance i learned that there was a stack and a heap yesterday. To the problem. I was passing an int to the thread and then just using it like this in the constructor:

thread_id = core;

while running calculations in a worker the id would change, so i figured i was doing something wrong :( i've just been trying different approches and this is the one i came up with that worked. Would you care to point me in the right direction?

thx again!

18th January 2016, 19:01
Thx for your answer, i am very new to c++ and qt and i dont know better, for instance i learned that there was a stack and a heap yesterday. To the problem. I was passing an int to the thread and then just using it like this in the constructor:

thread_id = core;

That looks much better.
The type of the "core" argument should be just "int",


18th January 2016, 19:41
while running calculations in a worker the id would change

Not the way either version of your code is written. In both cases, the "id" is a constant, assigned to the "thread_id" variable using the for loop index, and then passed into the Worker constructor and assigned to the member variable.

So if the Worker:: thread_id member variable value is changing, then something somewhere else in your code is changing it. Qt or the operating system aren't doing it.