View Full Version : Help - App reference framework which are missing

23rd January 2016, 05:40
I am trying to submit my first app to appstore, the app was built with QT, then created the Xcode file
and continued with Xcode the signing and submitting process
It has been rejected, stating the following:
The app references frameworks which are missing. This may lead to unexpected bugs or undefined behavior. The missing frameworks are:

How can i solve it?
In Xcode->Traget-> Frameworks & libraries -> I see the 4 frameworks

24th January 2016, 21:16
You need to ship the frameworks as part of your app bundle. You shouldn't depend on the user having to have home brew installed either.

For example, I use the following when linking:

QMAKE_LFLAGS = -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/../Frameworks

When you link your application with the above in your profile, it looks for the Qt frameworks relative to your app's executable in the app bundle at execution time. You can see what dependencies your app has by using the otool command, for example "otool -L /path/to/your/app/executable".

Also, it seems you might not be using macdeployqt. It copies the Qt frameworks into your app bundle, etc.

Good luck.

30th January 2016, 13:06
I am new to the deploy process in MAC. I converted the pro file to an XCode and compiled with xcode. Because xcode can manage codesigning and upload the app it self. It compiled correct. But the Frameworks are missing.

In xcode, I ve the following:
1- Target Dependencies: Should i add the frameworks here?
2- Embed binaries: or Should i add the frameworks here?
3- I have Qt Qmake, where this line is given:
make -C /Volumes/DATA/Activate_Software/proj/login -f 'Proj.xcodeproj/qt_makeqmake.mak'
4- I have Qt Preprocessor, where it is written in it
make -C /Volumes/DATA/Activate_Software/proj/login -f 'Proj.xcodeproj/qt_preprocess.mak'

How can i add the flag you gave to me?

30th January 2016, 20:17
How can i add the flag you gave to me?
Sorry, I can't help you with xcode. The flag I gave you is what I just in the qmake profile (*.pro). I don't use xcode to build my Qt apps at all. It looks horribly complex to me... :)

I only use Qt Creator and a couple of bash scripts that I write when building apps on my Mac. Much more straight forward in my opinion, but to each his own!

31st January 2016, 07:45
OK .. could you please guide me to upload the app to appstore .. I want the simplest straightforward method .. my QT is 4.8.7 with ElCapitain.
The produced app file with QT has the Frameworks embeded
Q- how to enable sandbox in the info file?
Q- restructure frameworks and recodesign it
Q- how to verify the application and submit it?

1st February 2016, 04:26
Sorry, I haven't ever submitted anything to the app store, however, I do recall reading a couple of articles from people that have. Google "qt app store submission" and I think you will find a couple of helpful posts.