View Full Version : QServer auto disconnect my client. (With remote access)

23rd January 2016, 20:15
Hi, I want to access from a remote client to a server.
I use no-ip for dynamic ip name resolution.

socket->connectToHostEncrypted("*********", 443);

I've redirected the port 443 to the server's port on my box and configured the firewalls on my box and on the server to accept connections on the ports.

The client is connected but after a few seconds, the client is automatically disconnected from the server.

So I can't send any messages to the server.

But in local it works without any problem.

23rd January 2016, 20:34
What happens with the QSslSocket error(), peerVerifyError() and sslErrors() signals?

24th January 2016, 08:44
Nothing. :/

25th January 2016, 12:34
I'm trying to connect from another network. (Because from the same network it doesn't work)

But this time on a windows 7 client.

But it fails to load the key of the client. (client-key.pem)