View Full Version : GUI gets hang while copying data from one file to another

4th February 2016, 08:07
I have GUI in which on button click copy the content from one file to another file.While copying my GUI get hangs and it get release once the copying is done.
I tried to implement QtConcurrent function in my program but still GUI hangs for couple of second.
My code

connect(ui->button1,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(select_C_file( )));
void MainWindow::select_C_file()
QDir directory("Documents");
QString path = directory.filePath(" ");
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,tr("Open File"),path,tr("(*.lst)"));//open the file path which has to copy

//Thread implementation
QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(this,&MainWindow::openCfile,QString(fileName));

void MainWindow::openCfile(QString fileName)
//program to copy


My program is working perfectly but still my GUI is getting hang.
Please let me how can I use Qthread instead of QtConcurrent.Where my Qthread should start on the button click and should end once the copying is done or it should be in threadloop.

4th February 2016, 09:31
I tried to implement QtConcurrent function in my program but still GUI hangs for couple of second.

Because you are calling waitForFinished()

Please let me how can I use Qthread instead of QtConcurrent
You could first try not to block the main thread by not calling waitForFinished()


4th February 2016, 10:03
Thankyou its working

4th February 2016, 12:34
If you want to get notified when the future is completed, have a look at QFutureWatcher.
