View Full Version : QComboBoxes in QTableWidget : which is focused ?

11th April 2007, 14:12
Hello :)

I have a QTableWidget that is composed of 4 columns and several rows.
2 columns are filled with QTableWidgetItems, it's just text.
2 columns are filled with QComboBoxes.

So, when I want to add a row in my table, I use the setItem function (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/qtablewidget.html#setItem) in order to add the 2 QTableWidgetItems. That's ok.
After that I need to add the 2 QComboBoxes, and I do it with the setCellWidget function (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/qtablewidget.html#setCellWidget). That's ok too.

My problem is that I need to know which cell has the focus when the user clicks on a button. So I've connected the signal clicked() (from the button) to a slot. The slot loops over the table and look at each row/colum in order to know if the cell has the focus.

For a given cell, I can know if it has the focus doing this :
- if its colum number = 0 or 1 : the cell is a QTableWidgetItem and I can test with :

if ((table->item(row, column))->isSelected() == true)
- if its colum number = 2 or 3 : the cell is a QComboBox and I can test with :

if ((table->cellWidget(row, column))->hasFocus() == true)

The matter is that the second test is never TRUE.
I've no compilation errors.
If I replace the QComboBoxes by QListWidgets, the test is OK.

I don't understand what's the problem ^_^.
Could you help me, please ?

EDIT : I think that the QComboBoxes lost focus when the user clic the button :mad:
I'm under Win2000. I'll try to use signal/slots to detect the last cell that had the focus.

I don't find any QTableWidget signal that is emitted when I clic a cell that contains a QComboBox :o. I don't know what to do :-/
I could use currentRow() and currentColumn to know the current object positon, but currentColumn doesn't care about the QComboBoxes in my cells... Unlike currentRow() :crying:.


11th April 2007, 16:55
EDIT : I think that the QComboBoxes lost focus when the user clic the button :mad:
I'm under Win2000. I'll try to use signal/slots to detect the last cell that had the focus.

I don't find any QTableWidget signal that is emitted when I clic a cell that contains a QComboBox :o. I don't know what to do :-/
I could use currentRow() and currentColumn to know the current object positon, but currentColumn doesn't care about the QComboBoxes in my cells... Unlike currentRow() :crying:.

You can connect to one of the slots for QComboBox (like activated), or you could use a QComboBox derivation and re-implement the focusInEvent handler, perhaps emitting your own signal.

The alternative is to develop your own delegate and process focus in events in the event filter.


12th April 2007, 08:08

I can't really use the QComboBox signals/slots, because the user can add rows to my table... And this operation adds QComboBoxes in the cells. Like I don't store them in memory, using vectors for example, I can't say that the signal is connected to each QComboBox.

This is the reason why I would like to detect a focus change : I could go thrut the table and look at each cell in order to know the one that is focused.

12th April 2007, 14:07
What kind of data does the combo box contain? I'd suggest using a custom delegate (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/model-view-delegate.html) or an item editor factory (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/qitemeditorfactory.html) to provide the combo box as a custom editor (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/model-view-delegate.html#providing-an-editor) instead of using cell widgets.

13th April 2007, 10:16
I only store text in the QComboBoxes :)

That seems very interesting JPN, and there are examples too :D
Thanks a lot, I will give a big look !