View Full Version : Uncompress zlib buffer

18th February 2016, 15:14
Hello guys!
I am beginning developer in Qt arrived from Delphi community.
In Delphi i used Zlib library for compressing and decompressing buffers allocated in memory.
Now in my Qt project i need to decompress buffer represented by QByteArray, previously compressed by Zlib library.

I try to use
#include <QtZlib/zlib.h>

For example here is my zlib packed buffer

RawDataLen = 50; // length if initial data buffer
CompressedDataLen = 24; // length of zlib compressed data buffer
unsigned char buf[24] = {120, 218, 99, 96, 0, 1, 70, 24, 96, 66, 0, 102, 24, 96, 65, 0, 86, 32, 0, 0, 8, 52, 0, 123}; // Zlib compressed buffer

unsigned long int compressBufLength = CompressedDataLen;
unsigned long int uncompressLength = RawDataLen;

int uncompressValue = uncompress(uncompressBuf,&uncompressLength,buf,compressBufLength); // here i am trying to decompress buffer

But resulted uncompressValue value is 0
What is wrong ?

18th February 2016, 15:26
Use QuaZIP (http://quazip.sourceforge.net/)

18th February 2016, 15:30
Us realized QuaZip is good when you work with files on disk. Instead of it i must process buffer in memory.

18th February 2016, 16:02
But resulted uncompressValue value is 0

Which is good, no?
That is the value of Z_OK, which uncompress returns on success.


P.S.: you could also use qUncompress() if you prepend the expected target size as four additional bytes (see documentation of qUncompress)

18th February 2016, 17:31
i have succeded by following code:

#include <QtZlib/zlib.h>

unsigned char *compressBuf = new unsigned char[CompressedDataLen];
memcpy(compressBuf, buffer, CompressedDataLen);
unsigned char *uncompressBuf = new unsigned char[RawDataLen];
unsigned long int compressBufLength = CompressedDataLen;
unsigned long int uncompressLength = RawDataLen;
int uncompressValue = uncompress(uncompressBuf, &uncompressLength, compressBuf, compressBufLength);
if (uncompressValue != Z_OK)
OutErrorMessage("Uncompression error code " + QString::number(uncompressValue), false);
RawData = QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<char*>(uncompressBuf), uncompressLength);

Resulted decompressed buffer lies in uncompressBuf and in RawData

Thank you !

18th February 2016, 17:42
Why do you copy "buffer" instead of using it as input for uncompress directly?

You probably also want to use a properly sized QByteArray as the uncompressBuffer, unless you really want to do all that memory handling manually.


18th February 2016, 18:46
Us realized QuaZip is good when you work with files on disk. Instead of it i must process buffer in memory.
What a problem ? QuaZIP is working with QIODevice so You can use QBuffer.

19th February 2016, 09:47
Why do you copy "buffer" instead of using it as input for uncompress directly?

You probably also want to use a properly sized QByteArray as the uncompressBuffer, unless you really want to do all that memory handling manually.


Would you please help me to use QByteArray?
When i write:

in.readRawData(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
// unsigned char *compressBuf = new unsigned char[CompressedDataLen];
// memcpy(compressBuf, buffer, CompressedDataLen);
unsigned char *uncompressBuf = new unsigned char[RawDataLen];
unsigned long int compressBufLength = CompressedDataLen;
unsigned long int uncompressLength = RawDataLen;
// int uncompressValue = uncompress(uncompressBuf, &uncompressLength, compressBuf, compressBufLength);
int uncompressValue = uncompress(uncompressBuf, &uncompressLength, buffer.data(), compressBufLength);

Error - invalid conversion from 'char' to 'const z_Bytef*' is arrived

also i want that output buffer be represented by QByteArray instead of char buffer

QByteArray RawData;
int uncompressValue = uncompress(RawData.data(), &uncompressLength, buffer.data(), compressBufLength);

How to do it correctly?
Excuse me again, i am currently like a young child in Qt ))

Added after 8 minutes:

Will i have differences in including QuaZip library during moving from windows machine to linux and back ?

19th February 2016, 13:03
Error - invalid conversion from 'char' to 'const z_Bytef*' is arrived

Strange, as QByteArray::data() returns char* not char.
But you can try casting to what you had before, i.e. unsigned char*

int uncompressValue = uncompress(uncompressBuf, &uncompressLength, static_cast<unsigned char*>(buffer.data()), compressBufLength);

also i want that output buffer be represented by QByteArray instead of char buffer

Right, that is what I meant

QByteArray RawData;
int uncompressValue = uncompress(RawData.data(), &uncompressLength, buffer.data(), compressBufLength);

That will obviously not work since RawData is empty.
You first have to resize it to uncompressedLength, just like you initial did with the manually allocated buffer.


19th February 2016, 13:46
I did like that:

int uncompressValue = uncompress((Bytef*)RawData.data(), &uncompressLength, (Bytef*)buffer.data(), (uint)CompressedDataLen);

Resulting value of uncompressValue is 0

However i observe some hangups after decompressing procedure. Sometimes Qt-creator crashes after it.
Decompressing data length is about 4 Mb