View Full Version : How to enable a different QPlainTextEdit by clicking a PushButton?

25th February 2016, 15:54
I tried many times to enable a different QPlainTextEdit by clicking two different PushButtons.
Here part of my code:

descriptionEdit->setPlainText("Select the two fragments.");
connect(b_merge, SIGNAL(triggered()), descriptionEdit, SLOT(on_pushButton_clicked()));

descriptionEdit->setPlainText("Draw a polyline.");
connect(b_split, SIGNAL(triggered()), descriptionEdit, SLOT(on_pushButton_clicked()));

It gives me only the second one (SPLIT), and without any clicking.
I just want that by clicking one of the two buttons also the text sholud be change.

25th February 2016, 16:01
I am not sure what you mean.

So you set up to connections to the same receiver object, same slot.
Does that slot make the distinction between the two senders?

Maybe you can show the implementation of that slot?


26th February 2016, 08:14
I found the problem: it was in the function on_pushButton_clicked()
thanks anyway