View Full Version : QCameraImageCapture is saving image only on program exit

1st March 2016, 10:34
Recently I've been testing my Qt 5.5 C++ (Win7) program on one older laptop and found a weird bug, namely I'm displaying camera image and on some action (when letter P is pressed on keyboard) save that image in Pictures folder. Everything works fine (on P click image is saved) until I start new thread (for doing some background process). After the new thread is started, on "take a picture" event nothing happens (image is not visible in Pictures folder; onImageError[/ is not called) and after I close the application all images that are being captured are saved.

I'm not sure if I made myself clear so here is one more time steps I perform:
Open app -> take a photo -> photo is saved -> start new thread -> take couple of pictures (they are not saved) -> close app -> app closed (ALL pictures are saved)

The important part I have to mention is that all object I use (QCamera, QCameraImageCapture and thread that I start) are pointers.
And I am not 100% sure that starting this thread cause the issue but every time I start the thread, images are not saved.

Here are source that I am using:

Capturing camera image:

void MyClass::onCameraSeleced(QCameraInfo camera_info) {
camera_ = new QCamera(camera_info);
camera_image_capture_->setCaptureDestination(QCameraImageCapture::Capture ToFile);

camera_image_capture_ = new QCameraImageCa
// connect to capture signals
connect(camera_image_capture_, SIGNAL(imageCaptured(int, const QImage&)),
this, SLOT(onImageCaptured(int, const QImage&)));
connect(camera_image_capture_, SIGNAL(imageSaved(int, const QString&)),
this, SLOT(onImageSaved(int, const QString&)));
connect(camera_image_capture_, SIGNAL(error(int,QCameraImageCapture::Error,QStrin g)), this,
SLOT(onImageError(int,QCameraImageCapture::Error,Q String)));


void MyClass::takeScreenShot(){



if(camera_ != NULL)
delete camera_;

Starting new thread that cause this issue:

my_thread_ = new MyThread();



void MyThread::run()

1st March 2016, 12:35
Method MyThread::run() is blocking thread event loop. Use standard QThread::run() and create a method fired by QTimer with static_speed_yaw_data_->getTimeInterval() period.

1st March 2016, 12:38
Method MyThread::run() is blocking thread event loop. Use standard QThread::run() and create a method fired by QTimer with static_speed_yaw_data_->getTimeInterval() period.

Thread which captures image is different from MyThread. Do I still need to do stuff you mentioned above? (it's not really clear to me why is image not captured and why should it be with our response)

1st March 2016, 13:41
You probably shouldn't call "MyThread" like that since it is obviously a QRunnable and not a QThread.

Or maybe better make it an actual thread, the while loop suggests that you want to control it, not hand over to some thread pool.


7th March 2016, 17:40
You were right!

I have no idea how that part slipped me.

After changing QRunnable to QThread everything worked (tested it today).
