View Full Version : QT/C++ GUI misconception

21st March 2016, 15:46
I found no answer for this Problem in C++/Qt on the internet:

different command
different command
different command
like 1000 different commands
different command

No Loop. How does the GUI stay responsive, while this intensive processing??? You cannot write after every command a qWait or a processEvents()

I only found answers like put a qwait there put a processEvent there and hope it works. Which it clearly does not if there is no loop around it like in my example.

Is it a misconception of C++/Qt?

Why should somebody not want responsive GUI? In this case its not possible in c++ is it?

I think my example is very clear, I hope for simple answers :)

21st March 2016, 15:54
If you have a long running task that cannot be split into smaller subtasks which could be run in sequence, then you can put the into a different execution context, e.g. a thread or child process.


21st March 2016, 15:58
So I would need to continue in the thread that gives the commands to the thread where the GUI is, after painting in the GUI is done to be synchron right?

thread1: command paint someting in GUI thread
GUI threads paints
thread1 should continue processing only after painting finsihed

is that automatically the case? or do I need to add code for that

21st March 2016, 16:57
That always depends on the task at hand.

Sometimes the long processing has a result, sometimes it has many intermediate results, it could have progress reporting or not, etc.

it always depends on the use case.


21st March 2016, 18:44
Have you read this?
