View Full Version : Qt for Android / Qt Creator - What is the Correct Option to Dynamically Link?

26th March 2016, 12:02
Hi everyone,

I have been reading this link: https://wiki.qt.io/Licensing-talk-about-mobile-platforms and on that page, it says:

Qt for Android / Necessitas

As Qt for Android uses the LGPL version of Qt, and it's perfectly possible (and also recommended and supported) to dynamically link in the Qt libraries when creating an app - there are no problems for app developers using Qt for Android. The app developers can develop closed source code and publish the app - no worries.

Only if you statically link with the Qt libs could there be a problem with closed source apps.

So in Qt Creator, in the "Build" section there is a section called Qt Deployment with three options:

Use Ministro Service to install Qt
Bundle Qt Libraries in APK
Deploy Qt Libraries to temporary directory

If I choose, the Bundle Qt Libraries in APK, is that still considered as Dynamic linking or will it be considered as static linking?

Also if I choose "Deploy Qt Libraries to temporary directory" then my APK will rely on the Qt libs externally in a temporary folder but that should still be considered as "dynamic", is that correct?

"Static" means that all of the functions are built-into one file (e.g: one EXE file) and no external dependencies and this makes me question whether the "Bundle Qt Libraries in APK" option is considered as dynamic because the user will not have to have anything else installed but the APK still depends on the Qt libs except that they are bundled within the APK (which may be considered as static) except that it is not (as far as I know) because it depends on the Qt libs.
