View Full Version : c++ TcpSocket readAll from other form help

6th April 2016, 16:42
I am trying to send and receive data to/from a client with a qtcpserver. This is working, but now I want to send and receive it with an other form. sending the data works. But receiving not. The readReady signal is emitted, but when I do readAll/readLine the string is empty.

This is the source:

//This is how I open the dialog from the main form, clientSocket is the tcpsocket where I want to send and receive data from.
MessageBox msgform;
msgform.socket = clientSocket;

//This is the full source of messagebox.cpp
#include "messagebox.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_messagebox.h"

MessageBox::MessageBox(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MessageBox)
//connect(ui->buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &MessageBox::OKClicked);
connect(ui->pushButton_3, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MessageBox::OKClicked);
connect(ui->pushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MessageBox::RemoveButton);
connect(ui->pushButton_2, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MessageBox::AddButton);

delete ui;

void MessageBox::OKClicked(){
QTcpSocket *socket2 = socket;//if I try to use socket it gives a lot of errors so I have to use socket2
connect(socket2, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(OnRecieve())); //connecting readready when data has been send
QString buttonArray;
int buttoncount = ui->listWidget->count();
for(int index = 0; index < buttoncount; index++){
QListWidgetItem * item = ui->listWidget->item(index);
if(index == 0){
buttonArray = buttonArray + item->text();
buttonArray = buttonArray + "-+-" + item->text();
socket2->write("MESSAGE|" + ui->lineEdit->text().toLocal8Bit() + "|" + ui->plainTextEdit->toPlainText().toLocal8Bit() + "|" + QString::number(ui->comboBox->currentIndex()).toLocal8Bit() + "|" + buttonArray.toLocal8Bit()); //This is send succesfully

void MessageBox::RemoveButton(){

void MessageBox::AddButton(){
QListWidgetItem *buttonName = new QListWidgetItem;
buttonName->setText("Button name");
buttonName->setFlags (buttonName->flags () | Qt::ItemIsEditable);

void MessageBox::OnRecieve(){//is executed when I receive data
QTcpSocket *socket2 = static_cast<QTcpSocket*>(sender());
QString receivedText = socket2->readAll();
QStringList receivedArray = receivedText.split("|");
qDebug() << receivedText;//this is always empty

//full source of messagebox.h

#include <QDialog>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTcpServer>
#include <QTcpSocket>

namespace Ui {
class MessageBox;

class MessageBox : public QDialog

explicit MessageBox(QWidget *parent = 0);
QTcpSocket *socket;
Ui::MessageBox *ui;
public slots:
void OKClicked();
void RemoveButton();
void AddButton();
void OnRecieve();

#endif // MESSAGEBOX_H

Could someone help me with this?
And if you see any other mistake please say it, this is my third day of qt c++

6th April 2016, 17:33
So something else connected to the readyRead() signal and maybe also reads from the socket?


6th April 2016, 20:41
In the messagebox.cpp there is only one connection to the readyRead()
But I have a readyRead connection in mainwindow.cpp that is listening for all clients but that doesn't matter right?(Please correct me if I am wrong)

7th April 2016, 09:23
In the messagebox.cpp there is only one connection to the readyRead()
But I have a readyRead connection in mainwindow.cpp that is listening for all clients but that doesn't matter right?(Please correct me if I am wrong)

Well, if the slot in the main window doesn't do anything, then it doesn't matter.
But if it also reads, then that data is no longer available to any other slot.


7th April 2016, 09:42
Ah than that is my problem, that slot also reads data, but do you know how I can still read the data on messagebox.cpp?
I think a good solution is to connect the readready SLOT from mainwindow to the readready SLOT from messagebox. But is this possible?

7th April 2016, 10:09
Maybe you need to rethink what you are doing.

Why did you end up with two places that compete for socket data?


7th April 2016, 16:42
I now know how I can get this working but it isnt fully working. When the readready on the mainform reads something it emits an signal with the peerport and the text it received. Now I want to connect this signal to my new form. This is how I try to do it:

MessageBox msgform;
msgform.socket = clientSocket;
connect(this, SIGNAL(RecieveSignal(int,QString)), msgform, SLOT(OnRecieve(int,QString))); //line 150

Only when I try to run it I get this error on line 150:

error: no matching function for call to 'MainWindow::connect(MainWindow* const, const char*, MessageBox&, const char*)'
connect(this, SIGNAL(RecieveSignal(int,QString)), msgform, SLOT(OnRecieve(int,QString)));
The signal and the slot both contain an int and a QString. How can I fix this?

7th April 2016, 18:16
Line 3 (150) :
connect(this, SIGNAL(RecieveSignal(int,QString)), &msgform, SLOT(OnRecieve(int,QString))); //line 150

7th April 2016, 21:30
Thanks! It no fully works!