View Full Version : Where is QWebView in QT5.6

10th April 2016, 13:06
I installed the latest QT ,VERSION 5.6. But strangely there is no QWebView.
I thought it be a my mistake. Then I reinstalled it. But still....

Then I installed the QT 5.5, OK, now this time this widget appears.

My sys is win7x64.

Is this a bug with QT 5.6?

10th April 2016, 16:45
QtWebKit is, as of 5.6, no longer part of the standard build and has been succeeded by QtWebEngine, see QWebEngineView.


11th April 2016, 03:57
Thank you for your answer. But I still can not find QtWebEngine in QT creator. Should I install it mannually?

11th April 2016, 09:46
Can you rephrase what you mean with "But I still can not find QtWebEngine in QT creator"?
In the documentation?


11th April 2016, 23:25
Qt WebKit is still available as a community release. However, if you don't use mingw-w64 I see no reason not to use Qt WebEngine instead. If you installed Qt via MSYS2 (they build Qt with mingw-w64) the WebEngine module will not available. I don't know about the official Windows installer because I'm not using it but it might be the case that WebEngine must be installed separately because it is very big (includes an entire browser stack).

3rd May 2017, 23:28
There is and EXCELLENT reason to use QWebView as there is no adequate functionality regarding parsing documents in new engine