View Full Version : Back button not working in my py

14th April 2016, 22:26
I have to create a file for my assignment . Problem is I have got most of it to work. Only problem I want back buttons to go back to the home page for the customer. Customer is like menu options choice where you want to go like make a booking. If I want to go back to the customer home page gives errors.

Any way to send private message someone can check it for me.

I have from order import ui_order, from booking import ui_booking in my customer.py. Def ordershow, def bookingshow So I can go to those pages. I have now added from customer import ui_customer in order, booking.py so back button will take me back to customer page. But it is giving me errors ui_customer

Any help appreciated

Python 3.40

21st April 2016, 08:55
I don't know how to connect back buttons I want to go back to the customer menu page and I there are 6 pages which will need to be sent back to the menu page. I have no clue. When I click signal it gives me choice to choose I choose the btnback. Slot I click clicked(). Receiver and the slot I have no idea what to click it only gives options stuff on my page. So how do I connect the back. Thank you. I have assignment Python due soon so I need to get all the issues fix. Only thing left I have no back tutors I need to click the x at the top. Used qt4 qt designer

21st April 2016, 09:56
This is something you handle in code, not in designer.

You need a function in your code that has the "back logic" and you connect the button's signal to that function.


21st April 2016, 10:41
I have tried in my customer page I have imported the names of the pages. When I click the back button on the price page it gives error
from customer import ui_customer
And in the customer py gives this error
From price import ui_price
And th other pages imported in my customer show error to. Any way to fix it

21st April 2016, 11:55
I am sorry, but I seem to not see any error message in your last comment.
