View Full Version : Boost library + Qt

16th April 2016, 07:49
I've the file boost_1_60_0.zip and unzipped in directory
C: \ Boostfinal

And then build the file C: \a using the bootstrap and b2 .

My .pro file looks like this :

IncludePath + = C: \ Boostfinal \ boost_1_60_0

LIBS + = C:\a\boost\bin.v2\libs\regex\build\gcc-mingw-4.9.2\release\link-static\threading-multi\libboost_regex-mgw49-mt-1_60.a

But I have the Following message:
"Duplicate section ' .rdata libboost_regex - mgw49 - MT- 1-60.a ( regex.o ) "

anyone can help me ?

17th April 2016, 12:13
It'll be silly but have you tried without white spaces in include path?