View Full Version : Build debug qwt library under linux

22nd April 2016, 21:46
Downloaded qwt-6.1.2.tar.bz2, trying to build under linux:

# qmake qwt.pro -r -spec linux-g++ CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=qml_debug
# make
Builds release libqwt.so.6.1.2 successfully, but I want to build debug libqwtd.so.6.1.2 library with d-suffix. Why it is not happening?

Tried release, then debug, debug_and_release, build_all - do not help. What is the problem could be? Or it is different under Linux (I do not see debug info include into lib)?

24th April 2016, 11:32
Or it is different under Linux (I do not see debug info include into lib)?
Yes here Linux is way more flexible than Windows - f.e. you don't have this separation between debug/release versions of libraries.
But this goes beyond the scope of a Qwt forum.


24th April 2016, 11:43
Uwe, any good link to read about? And what options in qwt.pro should be?