View Full Version : QTLocation: RouteModel Update Error Undefined

28th April 2016, 14:14
I am using QT 5.6.0 with Qtcreator 3.6.1 on ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bits.
I used the example mapviewer from installation directory.
Without changing the code, I am not able to load a route.
I am trying to Find a route from openstreetMap so I have a RouteModel and a RouteQuery. I added waypoints to the Routequery, change the travelModes to RouteQuery.CarTravel and the routeOptimizations to RouteQuery.fastestRoute. And then, I dit routeModel.update().

My problem is that the status change (onStatusChanged) to undefined error. First the status is ModelRoute.loading and then the status goes to RouteModel.Error. When I print the errorString, it is written as undefined.

So how can I correct the problem ? Is there a way to obtain more information about the error ?

If I look on the application output, I can see 2 warnings but I am not sure it is the cause : qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_server_method

Do you think it could be the cause of the error ? If Yes, how to correct it ?
Can it be because of the proxy ? How to know ?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

30th April 2016, 06:26
If I look on the application output, I can see 2 warnings but I am not sure it is the cause : qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_server_method

Do you think it could be the cause of the error ? If Yes, how to correct it ?

Yes, if the routing provider URL is using HTTPS. If so then you need to install the OpenSSL run time libraries to match your system. https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Binaries

Can it be because of the proxy ? How to know ?

Yes. If a browser on the same machine needs a proxy to access the internet then your application will likely need the same proxy set.