View Full Version : multiple page linear interface

17th April 2007, 05:25
I am trying to build a user interface that has multiple pages, wizard like interface.
this interface need to have Back and Next Buttons; when user clicks on Back the current page should be hidden and the previous page display.
Can anyone please tell me what is the best approach? The user does not want Tabs, just buttons.

17th April 2007, 05:29
Use a QStackedWidget to hold the wizard pages and QWidgets as pages. You could event create the pages in Designer.

The wizard dialog should only contain the bottom buttons ( next, back, close...) and possibly some image, and the stack widget above the buttons. You could also do this in designer.

On next you show the next widget in the stack, on back the previous, and so on...


17th April 2007, 16:26
If you can afford using Qt 4.3 beta and loose backward compatibility with earlier versions it is highly recommended to use the new QWizard (http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/qwizard.html) class. It provides everything one needs to create good-looking, user-friendly, platform-aware wizards which can be linear, non-linear or even an insane mess it that's what you want to achieve... ;) :D

edit : Argh!!! the [q t c l a s s] tag does not support Qt 4.3 snaphots... :crying: Here is the correct link : QWizard (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qwizard.html).

17th April 2007, 19:44
edit : Argh!!! the [qtclass] tag does not support Qt 4.3 snaphots... :crying:

It's not a stable release, so Trolltech didn't make it an official documentation.