View Full Version : Connecting to MySQL Server using SSL (AWS RDS)

8th June 2016, 13:15
Hey all,

Having a bit of trouble using an SSL connection to a MySQL server. AFAIK I have all the prerequisites installed such as, MySQL Connector and OpenSSL. Since I'm using AWS and they only provide a CA file, I have used the code below;

Db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL");


Connected = Db.open();

There's plenty of information out there on opening an SSL connection, there's even a nice example in the documentation of QSqlDatabase. The issue I'm having is that I can't find much information regarding the error I'm getting.

QMYSQLDriver::open: Illegal connect option value 'SSL_CA=rds.pem'

I know I'm doing something wrong, just can't figure out what. Do I need to rebuild the MySQL libraries with SSL support or does the Qt binaries already come with that enabled?

I'm on Windows 7 using QT 5.5.

My apologies if I've missed something obvious.