View Full Version : Cannot select an item in QComboBox

18th April 2007, 15:30

I've got a weird error in that I have a QComboBox which has been populated by a LocationTableModel class (which inherits from QAbstractTableModel). It gets populated with a couple of items upon my application loading but when I go to select an item the item list that drops down just stays visible not letting me click on an item :(

If I move away from the QComboBox and click somewhere else onscreen then the list disappears (as expected). But, as stated already, I cannot select a list item. Generally for other QComboBoxes and models I haven't had problems. Any ideas? I'm not sure what kind of info to provide to explain the prob better so I've just included the LocationTableModel.cpp file. My best guess was that I was doing something stupido in the data() method.


18th April 2007, 15:43
Make LocationTableModel::flags() return Qt::ItemIsEnabled (together with the selectable flag) also for valid indices.

19th April 2007, 08:08
Thanks a million, jpn. That's done the job nicely!

Kind regards,