View Full Version : Compiling Qt 5.7 on Windows with MingW64, Stuck on compiling ICU

29th July 2016, 18:45
Still following manual here http://wiki.qt.io/MinGW-64-bit

now I'm stuck on compiling ICU, specifically, here is the error:

*** ERROR - configure could not detect your platform
*** see the readme.html
*** or, try copying icu/source/config/mh-linux to mh-unknown
*** and editing it.

Anyone gone through this step?
I'm going through ICU compile manuals too, and so far do not have solution.

Added after 31 minutes:

ok, I had to copy the mh-mingw64 to mh-unknown in the C:\Qt\qt5_deps\icu4c-57_1-src\icu\source\config folder, after that trying again it worked.