View Full Version : display text in TWO LINE POLE DIPLAY running IN OPOS DRIVER:

5th August 2016, 03:04
Hi All,

I'm a newbie in QT.
somebody help me?.
I want to create a simple program.
in form I have 2 QLineEdit and 1 PushButton.
and hardware 2line POLE DISPLAY running in OPOS Driver.
Once I click the pushbutton. value in 1st lineedit will display in first line display of pole display
and second line display also depend on 2nd line edit.

what are the first things i need to do?

How I can add the reference or library in qt.?

Thank you for helping me

5th August 2016, 10:00
what are the first things i need to do?
1. Read the API documentation for drivers and device.
2. Read about ActiveQt. OPOS is a COM (ActiveX) interface to point-of-sale devices.

How I can add the reference or library in qt.?
I assume you mean "reference" in the Visual Basic sense, meaning "semi-transparent linkage to an ActiveX control." In that sense there is no equivalent for a compiled C++ program (note that is not a Qt thing). ActiveX objects are accessed using ActiveQt or the just the Windows COM API in Qt C++ programs.

You link a library with your Qt C++ program using the LIBS variable in your PRO file. An ActiveX object is not a library in this sense.