View Full Version : change color on dragging curve

9th August 2016, 00:41
I can put a bezier curve on a MouseArea on mouseclick. I can even drag and drop it. But how can I change the color of the curve while dragging it? My code:

Item {
Path {
id: mycurve
startX: -132; startY: -12
PathCurve { x: -138; y: -14 }
PathCurve { x: -140; y: -20 }
PathCurve { x: -146; y: -22 }
Rectangle {
id: rect
width: 2
height: 2
color: "black"
border.color: "black"

MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
onPressed: {mycurve.color = "red";}//what should I do here?
onReleased: {mycurve.color = "black";}//what should I do here?
onPositionChanged: {
if (mouse.buttons & Qt.LeftButton) {
mycurve.x -= (x - mouse.x); mycurve.y = (y - mouse.y); ;

PathView {
id: pathView1;
x: 158
width: 708
model: 300;
path: mycurve
delegate: Rectangle {
id: dot;
width: 1; height: 1;
color: "black"
ColorAnimation on color { to: "red"; duration: 0 }//my own attempt

9th August 2016, 08:32
mycurve is currently only a standard Path, it doesn't have a color property.

Add one and use it in the delegate or add the property to any other object that both the delegate and the mouse are have access to.


9th August 2016, 13:02
Solved. Thank you.