View Full Version : Frameless Widget move

11th August 2016, 07:00

I am trying to move frameless widget according to screen geometry .... i want xpos constant 175 and y pos should move can anybody give some code....

11th August 2016, 11:40
Do you mean you just want to spawn buttons/labels/... on the screen at will? Because then you are in luck :p I wasted a complete day figuring that out :p

frmMain is my QMainWindow. btnExtraButton is a button i can press to add a extra button on frmMain. btnRemveAll removes them all.
oListButton is defined by (in frmMain.h) :

using namespace std;
vector<QPushButton*> oListButton;
private slots:
void oTest();

void frmMain::on_btnExtraButton_clicked()
QPushButton *buttonA = new QPushButton(this); //create new button, with this as parent

oListButton.insert(oListButton.end(), buttonA); // use a normal std::vector to store the button, so I can later check which button was pressed

int iXlocation = 50;
int iYlocation = 50;
int iHeight = 100;
int iWidth = 100;
buttonA->setGeometry(iXlocation , iYlocation , iHeight , iWidth ); // coordinate (0,0) is in the left upper corner. Maybe i switched height en width, you'll find out soon enough

buttonA->show(); // so you can actually see it

QObject::connect(oListButton[oListButton.size() - 1], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(oTest())); //add the last button in the vector to a connect (just so something happened when it got pressed)

void frmMain::on_btnRemoveAll_clicked()
for (int a = 0; oListButton.size() > a; a++)
QObject::disconnect(oListButton[a], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(oTest()));

void frmMain::oTest()
QObject* obj = sender(); //obj is now the object of the sender, which i will find in my vector with a for-loop
int iTest = -1;
for (int a = 0; oListButton.size() > a; a++)
if (oListButton[a] == sender())
iTest = a;


11th August 2016, 13:25
In your "clear all" slot you can just use qDeleteAll, to delete all buttons


In the oTest slot you can also cast the sender instead of looping through the container if you need the object by its actual type

QPushButton *button = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(sender());

If you just need the index, then I would suggest using a QVector instead of std::vector and using QVector::indexOf().
