View Full Version : overriding a property fixed by an external component

3rd September 2016, 10:05
I want to ovverride the height value for the image defined in a external PictureBox.qml file:

import QtQuick 2.0

FocusScope {
id: container
Column {
id: column
Image {
id: icon
width: parent.width; height: 150

this code is called in Main.qml in this way:

Component {
id: userDelegate

PictureBox {

how can I override height value for the Image element, without touching PictureBox.qml code?

3rd September 2016, 14:33
You can´t access internal properties in the children of the components because of scope, the tool provided by QML to access internal properties are "property aliases", that way your PictureBox.qml must contain a single line in the root element with the structure: "property alias name: id.property"

import QtQuick 2.0

FocusScope {
id: container
propery alias iconHeight: icon.height //alias
Column {
id: column
Image {
id: icon
width: parent.width; height: 150

and your Main would access that property like this:

Component {
id: userDelegate

PictureBox {
iconHeight: 100