View Full Version : Find the last modified time of file on webpage

9th September 2016, 16:57
Dear All,
I would like to know if is there any way to find when file was last modified on the server (website).

I am using QNetworkAccessManager class to download file from website but I also would like to know when it was last modified on the server.

I am using Qt 5.3,

Please help.


11th September 2016, 02:06
QNetworkAccessManager::head(), QNetworkReply::header() and the "Last-Modified" header (QNetworkRequest::LastModifiedHeader). You may also see that header in the response to a get() call.

11th September 2016, 14:40
Thank you for the kind reply.
I will check those options.


14th September 2016, 20:33
I have tried QNetworkRequest::LastModifiedHeader but it doesn't seems working for me.

I am downloading one zip file from web server using QNetworkAccessManager and I would like to know when this zip file was last created/modified on server.

If anyone has any idea, please help.


15th September 2016, 07:39
If the server doesn't provide such information (e.g. with the last modified header), you will not be able to retrieve it.