View Full Version : QT += webkitwidgets

2nd October 2016, 07:29
I keep getting and error that the webkit plugin (on Windows) is missing
We resolved it on Ubuntu using apt-get install libqt5webkit5-dev , for windows, we keep getting directed to links requesting us to build the plugin and then use it...is there another way.

2nd October 2016, 17:19
I think QtWebKit is deprecated in favor of Qt WebEngine in Qt5. My Qt 5.7 distro (MSVC 2013) has no WebKit, only WebEngine. My Qt 5.4.1 distro (MSVC 2013) still has WebKit and also has WebEngine. The source distributions match what I see in the binaries - no WebKit sources in 5.7, both of them in 5.4.1

So you can either port to use WebEngine as described here (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwebenginewidgets-qtwebkitportingguide.html), or go back a couple of versions in Qt5 to get the sources for QtWebKit and build them against your current Qt version. The problem with that is you'll be stuck with maintaining it yourself as new Qt releases come out and may end up in a situation where it just becomes incompatible.