View Full Version : Camera Overlay Behind Widgets

4th October 2016, 09:01
Hii.... I am new to qt. I want to develop an application where i am using QCamera to capture image. But the thing is i want to add some frames like .png or .jpg to it(like an overlay type) and then capture the new image with frames. And i want to do this in C++ Gui and not in QML. I have googled, but could'nt get the desired result. Anyone can help.. Thanks in advance

Check out the sample image

9th October 2016, 07:59
So, the steps would be:

Prepare a PNG image containing the surrounding frame with a transparent centre section
Capture a frame from the camera into a QImage
Use QPainter on the QImage to scale/draw the frame image over the camera frame
Put the resulting QImage into a QLabel to display it on-screen
Save the resulting QImage to a file to keep it if you want