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7th January 2006, 05:31
Will KDE be shifted / brought to Windows Environment ?

or any other similar Environment (IDE)that supports Qt programming

in Windows Environment ?

Please Dont list VC or BC IDEs

Thanks & Regards

7th January 2006, 10:03
I don't think it's possible... It use diffrent libraries which isn't available in M$ OS....

7th January 2006, 11:01
Why would you want to use KDE with Windows? Do you want something like: Talisman (http://www.lighttek.com/talisman.htm) which is just a different set of eye-candy? Or do you want the entire environment? If the entire envi, then bear in mind that M$'s software do not easily allow replacement of its organs, unlike open source software. And as the other poster said, too many conflicts

IMO, there exists no advantage to using KDE on Windows to make the excessive trouble of porting the blue-side to the dark-side worthwhile...

7th January 2006, 14:52
Will KDE be shifted / brought to Windows Environment ?


KDE libs will run on Windows, similar like Qt.
Individual KDE programs, depends on the author of that program.
But if these programs don't use any OS specific library, then they will run on all KDE supported systems by default.

7th January 2006, 16:44
I remember hearing a while back that all of the "standard" KDE libs were being ported to Windows so you could run most KDE programs on there, but I havn't heard anything about that in a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time...


7th January 2006, 22:29
I remember hearing a while back that all of the "standard" KDE libs were being ported to Windows so you could run most KDE programs on there, but I havn't heard anything about that in a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time...


You can follow development for KDE4 in the KDE mailinglists. There you'll notice that some developers are porting KDE libs to Windows and other operating systems.

7th January 2006, 22:34
I don't think it's possible... It use diffrent libraries which isn't available in M$ OS....

There's a technique to make it possible though.

If a certain library is only available on one system and not on the other.
And the other system has another library that does the same, then you can make use of both, and even more similar libraries without changing the main code afterwards.

What you can do is create your own standard API that communicates with different backends. Each backend "converts" a certain library API to this standard API.

That's what's being done, for example, for the multimedia libraries. KDE will support more than one multimedia library. If one of those isn't available on Windows, KDE will use what's available and what the user chooses.

8th January 2006, 10:27
Will KDE be shifted / brought to Windows Environment ?

or any other similar Environment (IDE)that supports Qt programming

in Windows Environment ?

Please Dont list VC or BC IDEs

Thanks & Regards

Well, there is http://kde-cygwin.sourceforge.net/, which brings KDE for cygwin env., but I'm not sure, that's what you're looking for.


8th January 2006, 18:21
I found this on SourceForge

Posted By: habacker
Date: 2005-10-31 06:10
Summary: development of native KDE on windows started
in the last weeks a native port of KDE on windows has been started.

The development takes place in the KDE svn repository

The port includes two areas, the build system based on scons/bksys (mailinglist kde-buildsystem@kde.org) and the port of the sources (mailinglist kde-windows@kde.org)

To subscribe or explore the available threads see here:

kde-buildsystem@kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-buildsystem

kde-windows@kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-windows

Everyone is invited to be a part of this great new project.

9th January 2006, 11:25
http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDElibs+for+win32 - Information about the native port of KDElibs to windows. I think this is what the post above mentioned.
http://iidea.pl/~js/qkw/ - The same project but I think this is KDE <= 3.5
http://www.iidea.pl/~js/akademy/kdelibs_win32.pdf - Slides from a talk at aKademy about KDElibs for win32
http://www.kdelibs.com/wiki/index.php/KDElibs4_Installation (http://www.kdelibs.com/) - A general info site about cross platform KDElibs including installation instrictions for KDElibs 3.

Also it is mentioned http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDE%204%20Goals that the win32 port of KDElibs will be an important part of KDE4. I guess this is all being made a little easier now that Qt 4 is GPL'd in Windows.

10th January 2006, 20:50
Are you asking about all of KDE or just KDevelop?

1st February 2006, 12:58
KDE-Cygwin was fun to test ... but Oh so slow... I think you would gain much by instead using dual-boot (win/lin) or using WmWare or similar for switching between OS

3rd February 2006, 21:17
KDE-Cygwin was fun to test ... but Oh so slow... I think you would gain much by instead using dual-boot (win/lin) or using WmWare or similar for switching between OS

Or just drop that sloppy OS altogether ;)