View Full Version : Question about PyQt5 and QtCreator.

6th October 2016, 16:40

I would like to use PyQt5 in my system(Arch Linux) and I already have installed QtCreator 4.1.0 based on Qt 5.7.0. So, I installed PyQt5 with the following command:

sudo pacman -Sy python-pyqt5

Then I tried to create a new Python project using QtCreator to make a GUI(that's what I want to do) but there is no option for Python projects. To make a GUI with Python and all coding should I install another IDE?


6th October 2016, 23:19
Usually you would use a Python IDE. Spyder (https://pythonhosted.org/spyder/) (formerly IPython and included as part of the Anaconda (https://www.continuum.io/downloads) project) is a good one. AKAIK, Qt Creator supports only C / C++ - based projects. There might be a plugin for Python, but I am not aware of it.