View Full Version : sax xml parser, QtXml

23rd April 2007, 22:54
Hello there,

I have written some code that reads an xml file and displays the included tags. I am using Qt 4.1.3 and work under Linux. After several time I managed to get this to run. Now, I would like to count the tags and display only the root tag. Is there any way that might be possible?? Any help is appreciated!!!

Kind Regards,

24th April 2007, 04:54
You mean something like a tree view? The root tag should be collapsed, or what?

24th April 2007, 23:05
You mean something like a tree view? The root tag should be collapsed, or what?

Hi Marcel!,

many thanks for replying! I would like some tags to be assigned to variables and make for example the root tag be displayed in the output. Futher, I would like to count the number of tags I have in the xml file. If you could help me out here I will be more that happy!

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