View Full Version : QItemDelegate + QListView : paint

10th October 2016, 09:54
Hi guys,

I'm trying to polish a small tool I wrote and therefore want to implement an item delegate for my list view.

There's a QStandardItemModel which is assigned to the list view. The view also has a delegate.
I just added to items to the model which are shown without any problem.

There's something wrong with the hovering background color. Please see my code below.

painter->setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 255));

if(option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver)
painter->setBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0));


painter->drawText(option.rect.left() + 5, option.rect.top() + option.rect.height() / 2 + 4, qvariant_cast<QString>(index.data()));

The item's text is drawn correctly at the desired position. But the background is drawn over both items.

The sizeHint() return this:

return QSize(option.rect.width(), 20);

I'm sure I'm missing something or am doing something wrong.
Could anybody please shed some light? :-)

Thanks in advance.

10th October 2016, 10:58
Have you tried saving and restoring the old values for pen and brush, i.e. not permanently change painter state?

Something like

const QPen oldPen = painter->pen(),
const QBrush oldBrush = painter->brush();

// your code



10th October 2016, 11:27
Well, the issue is not related to wrong painter states but rather to the area where the painter draws the rectangle for the item background.
I assumed that option.rect would deliver the exact boundaries of the hovered item, but if I hover over the first item in the view the second is also highlighted.

Don't know if my explanation makes it clear, please let me know if more details/code is required to help.


10th October 2016, 12:11
Hmm, weird, so option.rect is larger than the cell of that list view entry?

But the text positioning on the same values is correct at the same time?


10th October 2016, 13:58
Exactly! That's what makes me think I'm doing something wrong with the background. Just can't see what that would be.

10th October 2016, 17:45
Have you tried not changing the brush but using QPainter::fillRect() instead?


11th October 2016, 10:45
I also tried that but still to no avail. So I guess there must be something wrong somewhere else in my delegate class. I've done delegates so many times but maybe I just dont see the wood for the trees. :rolleyes:
Anyway, it's just an esthetic thingy so I won't spend any more time on it right now.

Thanks for your ideas!