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View Full Version : Help to build a binary (Win32)

4th November 2016, 12:50
I'm trying to build a binary (v. 1.2) from here: https://github.com/zhangshine/MdCharm/releases

It's markdown editor, the best for Windows (from my point of view)

- fast
- BSD 3-Clause License
- side-by-side instant preview
- it can parse Markdown inside HTML blocks (if you choose MultiMarkdown in the preferences)
- you may specify your own CSS styles
- projects
- TOC (in version 1.2)

Unfortunately, the development was discountinued in 2014 year.

The version 1.0.0 doesn't have TOC functionality. But, it was added in next 1.2 release. Unfortunately, version 1.2 exist only as source files, no Windows binaries are presented in project's page.

Here is quote from project's page:

> **Build:**
> - check out `git checkout git@github.com:zhangshine/MdCharm.git`
> - Open "MdCharm.pro" by Qt Creator and click "Build"

I tried to download QT Creator and build myself, but since I'm not a programmer, I just lost 2 days. (I know something about HTML/CSS/JS, but nothing about C++ and QT).

If it really easy deal for anybody here, maybe you can create Win32 binary and place it on GitHub or anywhere else?

4th November 2016, 15:19
I know something about HTML/CSS/JS, but nothing about C++ and QT

To be blunt, if you don't know anything about C++ software development, why are you even trying to build a C++ / Qt project from source code?

> **Build:**
> - check out `git checkout git@github.com:zhangshine/MdCharm.git`
> - Open "MdCharm.pro" by Qt Creator and click "Build"

This assumes you are a Qt developer and have a properly-configured Qt development environment. Simply downloading and installing Qt Creator and not the whole Qt distribution (if that's what you did when you say "I tried to download QT Creator and build myself") is not sufficient.

I looked at just the main.cpp file from this distribution and can already see problems. In particular, the source code contains hard-coded references to linux file names and paths. This won't work on Windows without changes. There are probably other issues in the code which will require time and understanding to fix or work around. If you aren't a C++ and Qt developer and don't know how to recognize and fix problems, you probably aren't going to be able to build this on your own.

Maybe someone else here is willing to take this on. I don't have any use for a markdown editor, so I can't take the time to try to build a binary for you. There is more to it than that, though. Not only do you need the binaries for the project (and there is more than just the executable - the project looks like it contains DLLs as well), you also need an installer that will install those binaries along with all of the Qt and Windows dependencies on your system. This is not as simple as "click Build".

4th November 2016, 16:47
Thank you very much for excellent explanation, now I understand that it is not so easy, as I thought before. However, it would be very awesome if someone take some care of this opensource project. It really worth it!