View Full Version : Help compiling this program in Qt using boost

5th November 2016, 21:11
Hi i am using one project open source with boost libraries but i must to include it. So i was searching i found one site with boost precompiled:

In my case i use vs2013 and qt 5.7. I must to include these libraries like always or i need to do something more? Bye and thx

7th November 2016, 16:42
Boost is almost entirely a template-based, headers only distribution. There are a very small number of actual binary libraries that can be built. If you do not need these binary libraries, then there is no need to build them or to download a pre-built distribution. I suggest you start with the boost documentation for Windows (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_62_0/more/getting_started/windows.html) to decide what you need and whether any of it needs to be compiled.