View Full Version : qtWarningMsg : plugin cannot be loaded for "QtQuick" when running Release build

28th November 2016, 16:21

I realise there are similar posts relating to this but none of them seem to have solved my issue.

I am receiving the following warning when running my application in Release mode on Windows (and at all times on Mac).

"QtWarningMsg: qrc:/Resources/AboutPage.qml:1:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtQuick": Namespace 'QtQuick' has already been used for type registration (in qrc:/Resources/AboutPage.qml:1)

I'm really struggling to see what the issue is??

I am using my own C++ class within the qml file and call

qmlRegisterType<tools::gui::AboutPageController>(ApplicationManager::QML_NAMESPACE, 1, 0, "AboutBackstageViewController");

using my own namespace.

I am using windeployqt to transfer the dlls across, which should ensure there are no missing dlls when running. In the release directory it has all of the expected Qt .dlls including:


amongst others.

I do suspect that there is some dll missing as it only happens on specific windows builds and on Mac, which doesnt use windeployqt.

Any ideas or help with this would be very much appreciated.
