View Full Version : Linux Mint: Qt Creator (Community) Correcting Launch Path

16th December 2016, 18:01
I'm a Linux Mint 17.3 newbie. Originally I installed QtCreator under my /home/chwa/ directory. I am trying to correct my mistake and install QtCreator in the /opt/ path.
I have:
- Installed QtCreator as root in the /opt/ path
- Deleted the /home/chwa/Qt5.5.1 folder
- Have everything working correctly for regular Qt Creator
BUT I cannot access Qt Creator (Community). When I try to open it, it says "Failed to execute command '/home/chwa/Qt5.5.1/Tools/QtCreator/bin/qtcreator'". Obviously this is because I deleted the /home/chwa/Qt5.5.1 folder. How do I change the '/home/chwa/Qt5.5.1/Tools/QtCreator/bin/qtcreator' directory to 'opt/Qt5.5.1/Tools/QtCreator/bin/qtcreator'?

17th December 2016, 10:57
It is not clear what the problem is but my guess is you have a launcher menu entry that doesn't work because it belongs to the previous installation?

Then either delete that stale entry or modify it to point to the new location.

In any case not related to Qt but a question for your distribution's forum.


18th December 2016, 05:33
if the Mint flavoured Ubuntu is like mine there is a menu editor in the Settings

19th December 2016, 16:48
I honestly thought it would be some Qt environmental variable that I need to change, but you two raise a good point. The main menu I'm using is a panel application "Whisker Menu". Perhaps I can find a solution by editing its launcher settings...

Added after 56 minutes:

Found out I had to change the launch directory in the *.desktop files that calls Qt Creator Community!

Step by step:
1. In terminal, "locate *DigiaQt-qtcreator-community.desktop*".
2. In each of these directories, open the *.desktop file.
3. Change the "Exec" value to the correct directory if it is incorrect.
For me, I had to change the Exec in /home/chwa/.local/share/applications/DigiaQt-qtcreator-community.desktop* files from '/home/chwa/Qt5.5.1/Tools/QtCreator/bin/qtcreator' to 'opt/Qt5.5.1/Tools/QtCreator/bin/qtcreator'.