View Full Version : An installer for Qt apps

30th January 2017, 19:08
I've created a Qt calculator app using Qt Creator 3.6.0 purely in C++ code (I didn't use Designer)

I would like to know how to use Qt to make it installable for publishing. I ran the app in both Release and Debug modes and have both folders of the two.

I also downloaded and installed Qt Installer Framework Opensource 2.0.1 for my Qt Creator 3.6.0 (the IDE I use for Qt).

And I also have the .dll files needed to run the .exe file.

I've searched the Web for it. But since I'm a novice in Qt I can't do the works properly, or I don't understand. (They seem complicated) Now, is there any straight forward method to use an installer for the app to make as platform independent as possible?

If so, what installer? And how to do the process? This is the first time for me.

30th January 2017, 20:41
... to use an installer for the app to make as platform independent as possible?

Qt source code is platform independent. The shared libraries / DLLs that implement Qt are not. Neither is your executable. All of that depends on the system you use to compile and link your app, as well as the version of Qt you use.

You should start here (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/deployment.html) to learn about deployment and follow the links for the specific OS you want to deploy to.

I believe Qt might come with a tool to create installers. I don't know; I build installers for Windows using NSIS (https://sourceforge.net/projects/nsis/).

30th January 2017, 21:08
Thank you for your answer.
What about this link:

In bottom, in Setting up Qt Installer Framework, number 1 orders to have Qt Installer Framework source code. I downloaded it from here:
https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt-installer-framework/2.0.1/. (qt-installer-framework-opensource-2.0.1-src.zip)

Now I don't understand the next instruction there :(
It says:
2- Build the tools by running the "qmake" from the static Qt, followed by "make" or "nmake".

My question is, first what does it mean?
And from what path?
I don't know how to do it:(