View Full Version : A way to find/get a custom qt widget class??

6th February 2017, 06:26
So I'm using/developing for Nuke. (A pyqt visual fx software).
The developers of Nuke used Pyqt and Pyside to build the entire interface and all its widgets.
Looks like this...

I'm interested in the curve editor/ graph in the pic. I want to build a window in Nuke and I want to add that graph to my new window.

Is there a way to get that? Is there a way to find the name of that class so I can subclass it?
Nuke has an api, Python and C++.

The Nuke forums aren't much help and though there's a few hundred views in my post...no one has answered. :(

So...is there a way to get the classes of a software built using qt?



6th February 2017, 08:15
You could use GammaRay (https://www.kdab.com/development-resources/qt-tools/gammaray/) to introspect the application at runtime

Not sure how well it can identify classes in a Python context, but it should be able to identify the C++ class for the view and the position in the widget hierarchy.
