View Full Version : Stepping into Qt sources in Qt Creator (in Suse Linux)

14th February 2017, 05:52

I'm trying to see where I'm crashing in the Qt sources itself. I'm on Linux SuSe platform (i.e. I'm not on Unbuntu).

I'm wondering how can I stepping into the Qt sources in Qt Creator?

I have downloaded (into /home/qt-everywhere-enterprise-src-5.4.0) and compiled the Qt sources with DEBUG=true.

I have changed the Options -> Debugger to be:
Source Path: /var/tmp/qt-src
Target Path: /home/qt-everywhere-enterprise-src-5.4.0

Still does not work?

I need to see the call stack (backtrace) up to the Qt sources?

Any thoughts?



14th February 2017, 09:29
You shouldn't need to set any path, but did you add a Kit with the correct Qt version?
Did you use that Kit for building your project?

Alternatively check if the distribution has a developer package with debug symbols.


14th February 2017, 23:17
what happens if you try:
Target Path: /home/qt-everywhere-enterprise-src-5.4.0/qbase/src
(assuming the path you wrote here is the root of the source under which qbase and the other modules are)

13th March 2017, 20:54
Thank you for the replies.

The kit will point to the default Qt sources. How can I make the kit point to the my own downloaded qt sources (/home/qt-everywhere-enterprise-src-5.4.0)?

I have already tried /home/qt-everywhere-enterprise-src-5.4.0/qbase/src, it does not work.

What I want is to step inside the Qt sources itself (eventually obtain a backtrace or callstack).


14th March 2017, 09:54
A Kit is basically a combination of compiler and Qt version.

Make sure your Kit points to your Qt version.
This is usually done by selecting the qmake of that Qt version.
