View Full Version : Table and combo with, almost, the same data

24th February 2017, 21:24
I have a db table named 'clients' with fields 'firstname' and 'lastname'.
It's first row is empty.

I want this table to 'feed' a QTableView and a QComboBox.

In the table I want the first row (the empty) not to be shown.
Also the table to be editable.
I need changes made in the model of the table to be filled back in the database.
And the combo 's model to be automatically updated.

In the combo I want all the rows (and the first one) to be shown. But I also want the 2 fields concatenated.

I thought of using a proxy, because:
1. I 'feed' two widgets from one db table.
2. I want the second model to be updated when the first changes.
3. their data, slightly, differ (by the first row).

The first row in the db table is empty because I want the combo to have an option of 'nothing', no option, Null.
But I don't want the table to have an empty row.
So I thought of a model 'feeding' all the data to the combo, and a filter (here I thought of QSortFilterProxyModel) that removes the first row for the table.

How can I accomplish this without using 'external' libraries like KDE?

Santosh Reddy
27th February 2017, 05:24
You are in the right path, keep going the same way.

Just one suggestion, empty row in DB sounds strange and is redundant, better have a main model (QSqlTableModel) and connect two QSortFilterProxyModel to it one for Table, another for Combo box.

27th February 2017, 08:11
You are in the right path, keep going the same way.
The problem is I 'm in no way!:D
I haven't done anything yet, I 'm trying to become familiar with models and their subclassing, I can't say I understand much, they seem to me very complicated.

Just one suggestion, empty row in DB sounds strange and is redundant, better have a main model (QSqlTableModel) and connect two QSortFilterProxyModel to it one for Table, another for Combo box.
So you 're suggesting:
Source model: a QSqlTableModel.
Table model: a QSortFilterProxyModel.
Combo model: another QSortFilterProxyModel.

If I remove the empty first row from my db table, I shall add it in the combo 's model with model->insertRow()?
If I do this, it will also be added in the source model and in the table 's model, right?

1. Remove empty row from db table.
2. Insert an empty row in the source model.
3. The table 's model filters out the empty row.
4. Result: table doesn't contain the empty row, but the combo does contain it.

How shall I concatenate the 2 fields for the combo?
FirstName + LastName to be replaced with FullName?

Santosh Reddy
27th February 2017, 11:18
I haven't done anything yet, I 'm trying to become familiar with models and their subclassing,...
Without trying anything, this is how far you can get familiar with Qt MVC. I suggest to start implementing some basic working model / view, you will get a more clarity.

If I remove the empty first row from my db table, I shall add it in the combo 's model with model->insertRow()?
If I do this, it will also be added in the source model and in the table 's model, right?
No, it should taken care by overriding

How shall I concatenate the 2 fields for the combo?
FirstName + LastName to be replaced with FullName?
Override the

Added after 1 51 minutes:

For a head start, this is how ComboBox model will look like (working code)

class ComboModel : public QAbstractProxyModel
ComboModel(QObject * parent = 0)
: QAbstractProxyModel(parent)
{ }

QModelIndex mapFromSource(const QModelIndex & sourceIndex) const
return QModelIndex();

return QModelIndex();

return index(sourceIndex.row() + 1, sourceIndex.column());

QModelIndex mapToSource(const QModelIndex & proxyIndex) const
return QModelIndex();

if(proxyIndex.row() == 0)
return QModelIndex();
return sourceModel()->index(proxyIndex.row() - 1, proxyIndex.column());

return QModelIndex();

QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const
return createIndex(row, column);
return QModelIndex();

QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex & /*child*/) const
return QModelIndex();

int rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent) const
if(!parent.isValid() && sourceModel())
return sourceModel()->rowCount(QModelIndex()) + 1;

return 0;

int columnCount(const QModelIndex & parent) const
if(!parent.isValid() && sourceModel())
return sourceModel()->columnCount(QModelIndex());

return 0;

Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex & index) const
if(index.row() == 0)
return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable;

return sourceModel()->flags(mapToSource(index));

QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const
if(!index.isValid() || !sourceModel())
return QVariant();

int row = index.row();

if(row > 0)
if(role == Qt::DisplayRole)
QModelIndex firstNameIndex = mapToSource(this->index(row, 0));
QModelIndex lastNameIndex = mapToSource(this->index(row, 1));

return QString("%1, %2")
return mapToSource(this->index(row, 0)).data(role);

if(role == Qt::DisplayRole)
return QString("--no selection--");
if(role == Qt::ForegroundRole)
return QVariant(QColor(Qt::lightGray));

return QVariant();

27th February 2017, 15:13
Thank you very much Santosh.
Works perfectly, but you shouldn't give me ready - made code, you 'll spoil me and make me lazy! :D
I only had to comment out 2 lines in data function:

// if(role == Qt::ForegroundRole)
// return QVariant(QColor(Qt::lightGray));

The would raise an error: "C2440: '<function-style-cast>' : cannot convert from 'Qt::GlobalColor' to 'QColor'
Source or target has incomplete type".

Added after 1 53 minutes:

I can't beleive this, I 'm trying to achieve this:

QModelIndex firstNameIndex = mapToSource(this->index(row, 0));
QModelIndex lastNameIndex = mapToSource(this->index(row, 1));

return QString("%1, %2")

for 4 days now...and it was so simple (and logical) now that you posted it...
Thank you so much.

28th February 2017, 08:27
Removing the first row could have also be done by simply deriving from QSortFilterProxyModel and rejecting the first row in the override of filterAcceptsRow().
